The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) is pleased to report that the GS-0343-14 Senior Program Analyst (CUI team lead) vacancy announcement is now posted on USAJobs: (DE: open to candidates without prior federal service, federal employees without competitive service status, or those with status) (ST: open to current or former federal employees qualifying … Continue reading ISOO’s GS-0343-14 Senior Program Analyst (CUI Team Lead) Vacancy Announcement
April is National Supply Chain Integrity Month
April is National Supply Chain Integrity Month. As the Executive Agent (EA) for the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program, we wanted to get the word out. On February 24, 2022, the Executive Branch issued six supply chain sector reports as required under Executive Order 14017, America's Supply Chains: Those reports can be found below:U.S. Department of Defense … Continue reading April is National Supply Chain Integrity Month
Registration Now Open for NISPPAC Public Teleconference on April 27, 2022
The National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) will hold a teleconference open to thepublic at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Please expect to block two hours off in your calendar for thismeeting. NISPPAC meetings serve as a forum to discuss policy issues in dispute and recommend changes to those policies asreflected in … Continue reading Registration Now Open for NISPPAC Public Teleconference on April 27, 2022
ISOO Posts FY 2022 Fundamental Classification Guidance Review Checklist
Executive Order 13526 requires all executive branch agencies with Original Classification Authority to conduct a comprehensive Fundamental Classification Guidance Review (FCGR) of their agency’s’ classification guidance. These FCGR’s are required to ensure the proper and up-to-date classification of vital national security information, while avoiding over-classification and the unnecessary withholding of government information. Federal agencies are … Continue reading ISOO Posts FY 2022 Fundamental Classification Guidance Review Checklist
Reminder: Deadline Today for Agencies with Original Classification Authority to Submit POCs for the 2022 Federal Classification Guidance Review
Today (January 14, 2022) is the deadline for federal agencies to submit the name and contact information for their points of contact (POCs) for the 2022 Federal Classification Guidance Review (FCGR) to the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). Pursuant to Executive Order 13526, Section 1.9, at least every five years, agencies with original classification authority … Continue reading Reminder: Deadline Today for Agencies with Original Classification Authority to Submit POCs for the 2022 Federal Classification Guidance Review
ISOO Invites NISPPAC Virtual Meeting Participants to Complete Survey Through November 7, 2021
In order to better plan for future NISPPAC meetings, please complete the short online survey at Your feedback will let us know what worked at the virtual event, and how we can improve the next NISPPAC meeting. Survey responses are anonymous and should take between 5 and 7 minutes to complete. If you would like to … Continue reading ISOO Invites NISPPAC Virtual Meeting Participants to Complete Survey Through November 7, 2021
Final Reminder for Registration for the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC)’s Public Teleconference on October 27, 2021
NISPPAC meetings serve as a forum to discuss policy issues in dispute and recommend changes to those policies as reflected in Executive Order 12829, as amended, its implementing directives, or the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). The NISPPAC will hold a teleconference open to the public at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Please … Continue reading Final Reminder for Registration for the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC)’s Public Teleconference on October 27, 2021
Final update to the blog post titled United Parcel Service (UPS) of 10/6/2021 released at 11:57 AM EDT
The blog post cited above, along with this update, pertains only to classified information or items. Other deliveries are not covered. GSA's Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) no longer includes UPS (contract number GS-23F-0282L). This impacts any orders or blanket purchasing agreements an agency had placed or intended to place with UPS under that particular contract. … Continue reading Final update to the blog post titled United Parcel Service (UPS) of 10/6/2021 released at 11:57 AM EDT
Reminder for Registration for the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC)’s Public Teleconference on October 27, 2021
NISPPAC meetings serve as a forum to discuss policy issues in dispute and recommend changes to those policies as reflected in Executive Order 12829, as amended, its implementing directives, or the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). The NISPPAC will hold a teleconference open to the public at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Please … Continue reading Reminder for Registration for the National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC)’s Public Teleconference on October 27, 2021
Update to the blog post titled United Parcel Service (UPS) of 10/6/2021 released at 11:57 AM EDT
We have received clarification from GSA and will be posting another blog post with updated information soon. In the meantime, do not take any action on the basis of the above referenced blog post, which pertains only to classified information.