ISOO Overview

ISCAP Appeal Release Laos 1961

On July 8th, 2024, the staff of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) posted a new declassified document on our website.

The released documents outline the United States and Thai covert action in Laos in 1961 under the John F. Kennedy administration known as MILLPOND. During this time, Laos was split into different institutions with three factions fighting for control. The report also explains the relationship between the CIA and the Committee for the Defense of the National Interests (CDNI) under General Nosavan Phoumi. According to an article written in 2000 on, the operations in Laos were the largest paramilitary operations ever undertaken by the CIA at that time. The documents declassified by ISCAP have been released in their entirety and can be found in the ISCAP appeals log:

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