Today (January 14, 2022) is the deadline for federal agencies to submit the name and contact information for their points of contact (POCs) for the 2022 Federal Classification Guidance Review (FCGR) to the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). Pursuant to Executive Order 13526, Section 1.9, at least every five years, agencies with original classification authority (OCA) must complete a periodic review to ensure that their classification guidance remains current, accurate, and appropriate as necessary to protect national security. Overall, the FCGR will also support the reduction of classification, and provide a basis for declassification, by reviewing the criteria and durations for the classification of information under the OCAs.
For the initial tasking memorandum, sent on December 9, 2021, to Senior Agency Officials (SAOs) from ISOO Director Mark Bradley, see: In addition to setting today as the deadline for agencies to submit their FCGR POCs to ISOO, that memorandum further specified that in April and July this year, agencies will provide status updates to ISOO on their progress in performing the 2022 FCGR. Further guidance from ISOO, including the 2022 FCGR checklist, as well as guidance for completing the required status updates, will be distributed to SAOs and POCs in the weeks ahead.
As indicated in the ISOO memorandum of December 9, 2021, agencies should submit their current FCGR POC information, as well as any questions they have regarding the 2022 FCGR, to ISOO Program Analyst Robert Fahs at